Fight Gone Bad is CrossFit South Brooklyn’s oldest and largest community fundraising event. This annual event started in 2008 and in sum has raised over $440,000 for a variety of charitable organizations. For our 15th anniversary of this event, we will be raising funds for BCHS, an organization deeply committed to tackling homelessness and providing crucial assistance to individuals and families across Brooklyn.

Participants will put themselves through a challenging workout called “Fight Gone Bad,” often donning team costumes. The event is fun but brutal. Please support their efforts for this great cause by donating here. Be sure to type their name so they get credit for your support.

How do you perform the workout “Fight Gone Bad”?

3 Rounds For Total Reps of:
1:00 Wall Ball Shots 20/14/10lbs to 10/9/8′ target
1:00 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 50/35/20lbs
1:00 Box Jump Overs 24″/20″/16″
1:00 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65/45
1:00 Row, calories
1:00 Rest

Event participants will perform 1 minute of work at each of the 5 stations, moving immediately to the next station after 1 minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. A one-minute break is allowed before repeating each round. One point is given for each rep or calorie. Each team member will start at a different station and rest at the same time. Teams with 6 members will have two people start on the same station, but they will use different equipment (e.g., separate barbells, med balls).

Explain the event!

CFSBKers will be placed in teams of 5-7 participants. They will choose a team name and costumes for the event. We always hold this event around Halloween to tie into the holiday, making it even more fun! Here are some examples from years past. It’s a wild event!

Thank You!

Brooklyn Community Housing and Services is a 501c3 public charity (tax ID# 11-2549027) and donations are deductible to the extent of the law.

If you have any questions, please email our Development Department.