Eddie was raised in a middle class family on the Upper West Side, his father a teacher and his mother a concert pianist. When he was in college Eddie developed a love for computers and secured a job as an I.T. technician upon graduation. As a hobby he enjoyed classic automobiles and could take apart and re-assemble cars quickly, and expertly.
In his twenties Eddie had a serious relationship that lasted a few years, but when his girlfriend broke up with him it triggered a deep depression and psychotic break. He began hearing voices and struggled with anxiety, and he thought about suicide. No matter how hard Eddie tried he could not maintain a residence of his own, and he withdrew from his family and friends. Eddie became homeless.
Fortunately, a worker at the shelter where Eddie ended up thought he would be a good fit for BCHS’ Scattered-Site Apartment Program and made a referral. Once he was accepted Eddie moved into a private apartment building with two other BCHS clients; all three quickly became friends. A sympathetic case manager started meeting with Eddie three times a week, helping him better understand his mental illness and what he needed to do to take care of himself.
Over time Eddie learned how to keep track of his medications and how to talk about his feelings instead of keeping them bottled up. He actively participated in many BCHS recreational activities, and with the help of staff, returned to the workforce through a few different internships. He regained his sense of humor and, with his anxiety under control, began to focus once more on learning about the latest computer technology.
It has been nine years since Eddie first came to BCHS and he is doing better than ever. He has developed a wide network of friends; his mental health has remained stable; and, fulfilling one of his dreams, he has been working for a large office electronics store, providing customers with on-site consultation and advice about their computer needs.
Last year, with a steady income and savings, Eddie graduated from BCHS and moved to his own completely independent apartment in the community.